Zed Eye Presents...fashion show and Pop
Up Boutique taking place for the 2nd year running at the Afro Hair & Beauty
Show in London, the biggest trade show for young fashionable black women!
The Afro Hair and Beauty LIVE will be celebrating its 30th anniversary on
the 29th and 30th of May 2011 at the Business Design Centre in Islington.
The Afro hair and beauty LIVE show which attracts over 4000 visitors over
the two days, is set to have a bigger focus on fashion with the Zed Eye
presents... fashion showcase. This year, the Zed Eye Presents... will be
showcasing the works of over 10 emerging and established designers, whose
work draws an influence from Africa. Some of the designers showcasing at
the show include Parisian designer Anggy Haif known for his extensive use
of materials like Raffia , Vines and Leaves. Ghanaian influenced designer
Oheme Ohene who owns a boutique in South London and new labels such as
Adopted Culture by Award winning Ghanaian Model Nana Afua Antwi.
As well as showcasing in the show, participating brands will also be
selling items in the Pop- Up Boutique. Other brands who will be taking
part in the Pop- Up boutique are acclaimed eponymous labels Gloria
WavaMunno and Dionne Goodings shoes.
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[...] Afro Hair and Beauty show in London-May 2011 [...]